What’s Next?
This photographic essay project required me to tell the story of a person, a place, an object, or collection of things, an event, or an issue and to include images that thoroughly explore aspects of the my chosen topic. The final images will be chosen where each photograph works independently as well as part of a whole.
I wanted to tell the story of someone who is graduating and leaving a place that they got to know so well the last four years. As someone who is graduating and leaving UD in just a few weeks I wanted to tell my story and I how I feel. The studio arts building became a place where I spent the majority of time, I had classes in this building, meetings with professors here, endless amount of crits, it is where my studio was, and where I would go to work on all of my projects. I left this building with mixed emotions knowing that after graduation I would most likely never step foot in this building again. This has become a place that I have known so well and I have many memories here. I left the building with one question in my head “What’s next?”