Covid Capsule
This project was about covid and how it has impacted us all in many ways both negative and positive. As a way of documenting my memory of the pandemic I had to create a real life Time Covid Capsule. I had to select several objects and five images that I would take specifically for this project to document my experience of the pandemic and any events during this time that impacted me. I had to think about the following questions: Why did I select those specific objects? Why did I choose the capsule? Why did I think the images I captured document my memory? Where do I plan on curling my capsule and why? Will I include the date, year and any other specific information about myself in the capsule and why?
Three of the objects relate to a time when I had covid and the other object relates to small traveling that I did. I chose the chicken slingshots, puzzle piece, and orange foam because they are memories of experiences from when I had covid back in September. I was quarantining in my room with my boyfriend and we were bored out of our minds. We literally only left my room to use my bathroom and grab food from the kitchen. My one friend dropped off a care package filled with activities and snacks for us. The chicken slingshots represents the fun moments we had quarantining in my room. The orange foam ball is moldable and it’s suppose to never dry out. So I wanted to include that one in my capsule to see if it holds true to never drying out. I decided to include a puzzle piece because during quarantine we decided to try and attempt to do a 2000 piece puzzle. We thought our two weeks of quarantine would be plenty of time to complete this and we were completely wrong. We got the puzzle from my boyfriends house, his family likes to do puzzles so I thought it would be funny if i took one piece from this 2000 piece puzzle and put it in my capsule. The rocks and seashell that I am putting in my capsule represent the small traveling I did with my boyfriend over the summer and winter. It represents the adventures and time we spend together.
I decided to make my capsule a mason jar because it will one hold up against being in the ground for an unknown amount of time. I also chose it because I have a ton of mason jars laying around and I tend to put random stuff in them and if I need something to be secure while traveling I always use a mason jar.
My images capture my memory of my time during my senior year at UD. I finally got a studio space so I can’t wait to make the space my own and cover it with my work. My studio experience has changed this year because of covid, there are rules we need to follow and students are spread out in different rooms for some studio classes. Also, spring semester of my junior year when everyone got sent home because of covid reminded me just how much I needed the studio building to complete my projects. I also spend a lot of time in the studio, it is a big part of my day. This semester I have a lot of late classes so I spend dinner time 2-3 days of the week having class. Out of all my roommates and friends I am the one who has classes that go until 8 and 9pm so everyone is done with their day by 4 or 5pm while I still have one or two more classes left. Since the weather is warming up my friends and I like to sit out and this past weekend we had a small barbeque. These are the little enjoyments that we share together during this time.
I plan to bury my capsule in my boyfriend’s backyard. I’ve had really great memories at his house with his family and i figured if his family ever completes that 2000 piece puzzle they can all have an adventure trying to find it in their backyard.
In my capsule I would include the date and year on the inside of the mason jar lid. I don’t think I would include anything else. I want the objects to tell their own story and I think it's fun when people create stories for the object they find. My object might hold a memory and story for me but it will then become a different memory and story to someone else.